15 Essential Wedding Day Must-Haves for a Stress-Free Experience for Grooms and Groomsmen

by Sophia

A wedding is the utmost anticipated day for the groom and bride. It is a day where they start a new beginning, and everyone wishes to have a perfect and smooth day without any annoying and interrupting issues. Despite having splendid arrangements, wedding ceremonies still fail to complete minor preparations which can cause immense stress among grooms and groomsmen. To avoid such unusual circumstances, you need to be prepared such as you can get extra sherwani on rent in bengaluru so that it can work as a backup plan during your wedding.

Top 15 essential things for a stress-free wedding experience

Having additional resources such as during weddings is a must. If you have planned specific attire for groomsmen, then get the extra suits for rent in bengaluru so that no one feels left out. Here are 15 essential things to have a stress-free wedding experience.


The entire attire of the groom looks ideal, but the wrist cannot be left barren. So, having a wristwatch is necessary.


An additional pair of socks is a must, as it can play as a great backup during monsoon season. If the socks get wet, then they can be immediately replaced.

Sewing kit and pins

It is uncertain if the buttons get loosened in the groom’s suit which can create huge stress. So, carrying a sewing kit can be an immediate solution.

Different color tie

Carrying an extra set of ties with different shades. During the last moment, the groom has many options to find the right color.

Shoe polish

Carrying shoe polish is necessary as the groom is the center of attraction and he needs to have a shining shoe.


Sudden cuts or injuries can cause immense bleeding. So, to avoid these situations, first-aid is essential.


Weddings often have loud music and crowded guests. This can cause headaches and leave the groom under tremendous stress. Carrying aspirin or other pain-relieving tablets can be a useful thought.


It’s common that a wedding leaves the groom in immense nervousness and leads to sweating. So, carrying deodorant can reduce the spread of bad body odor.


If the wedding is in a hot summer or rainy season, then carrying an umbrella is required.

Tissue papers

Getting emotional and sweating during a wedding is common so carrying tissue paper is essential.

Collar pins

Collar pins can offer a wonderful gentleman’s vibe with a heroic look. Also, it sets a level of decency for the groom.


A belt keeps the groom relaxed and reduces the slippery of trousers at the wedding.

Men grooming kit

Last-minute shaving can make the groom look more charming and handsome.


Another way to suppress the sweating odor of the body and the new clothes is the use of perfume.


If the groom has the habit of setting the hairs in a fixed position, then hair gels are necessary.


The above were fifteen essential things to carry during the wedding to avoid stress for the groom and groomsmen. You can geta rent blazer in bengaluru for groomsmen to look agile and perfect at your wedding

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